24 September 2008

The Science Factory packed with Lasse Skarbøvik illustrations

How many meters of DNA does your body contain?
How long can you keep your balance on the skateboard? How heavy is your
The Science Factory, Vitenfabrikken, opened in 2008 in Norway.
It´s a complex, challenging and rewarding experience.
And the place is packed with great pictures from our Lasse Skarbøvik

Thomas Fröhling goes writer.

This year his debut book hits the swedish bookstores. ”Kung Steves självlysande hip hop bibel.” Steve hangs out most of the time with Henning and they aren´t exactly the coolest guys in class, but what nobody knows is that Steve is really great when it comes to rhymes. He´s going to be the new king of hip hop. ”En bländande debut!” SvD.